James Mosher Baseball League is a youth baseball league established by James Mosher Associates, Incorporated. The league serves boys and girls ages 4 through 18 throughout the Baltimore, MD metropolitan area.
The league is divided into the following age groups:
Highlights of the league’s programs:
Opening Day Parade and Activities
Family Day
All-Star Fest
Post-Season Tournaments
The organization has an active roster of over 50 adult volunteers who meet throughout the year. The volunteers are dedicated, committed individuals who involve themselves wholeheartedly into the program and willingly give their time, talent, and energy so that the league’s philosophy may become a reality.
Founded in 1960 by the James Mosher Associates, a 501(c)(3) organization, James Mosher Baseball is believed to be the oldest continuously operating African-American youth baseball league in the country. James Mosher Baseball is an independent youth baseball organization and is not affiliated with Little League International.
Tee-ball Division (ages 4-5)
Instructional Division (ages 6-8)
9-12 Division (ages 9-12)
RBI Division
(ages 13-15 and 16-19)
9-14 Girls Softball Division (ages 9-14)
15-18 Girls Softball Division (ages 15-18)
Who Are We?
James Mosher Associates

William Neal
"This organization means the world to me. Giving back to these kids is very rewarding to me."

2017 Champions
Back to School Drive
James Mosher Associates
This picture features our 2017 Champions. These children are the future leaders of our country.
James Mosher Associates are always giving back to the community. Featured is the local elementary School James Mosher Elementary back to school drive.